Apple Computer
The Lucky Ones



Mac pages

Sassy the Clown

Fantasy Faces

Think Different

SE/30 Stealth

3 Macs

Mac Links

Dakota Web Design

Interesting Quotes


Apple PowerBooks
Built on a
PowerBook 1400c

Why would anyone
use a mouse?
Wacom Tablets
Wacom Tablets

I am one of the lucky ones!

I use a Macintosh!

At the current time I have several working Vintage Macs and 2 PowerMacs including:

Mac SE 4/80
Mac Classic ll 4/40
Mac SE/30 8/80
Mac llci 32/1gb
Mac llci 24/250
Performa 6400/180 48/4.3gb
PowerBook 1400c/166 64/2gb

All have been upgraded from their original state, most by adding extra memory, larger hard drives, video cards, etc.

I did keep all of the original hard drives, some were running System 6, most of the older Macs are running at least System 7.1 now. The SE/30 is running 7.5.3 and the llci is running 7.6.1. The 6400 is running 8.1 soon to be 8.6 (as soon as I get time to install the new software). The PowerBook is now running system 8.6.

The Mac llci 24/250 is going to my 14 year old nephew so that he can have a good machine to use for school & internet surfing. The other llci is being setup for learning REALbasic. I figure it is time I learned at least a bit about programming.

I had read many internet posting & magazine articles about customizing old Macintosh computers so when I acquired several compact Macs from a computer salvager, I decided to give it a try. The computer chosen to be customized was a Mac SE/30. I hope the pages and photos will be helpful to anyone else who is thinking of a custom Mac. It is a lot of fun to do and really not as hard as most people would think.

When you are finished here be sure and visit Betsy's Sassy the Clown and Fantasy Faces face painting sites. My Dakota Web Design site is back up with a new host -

If your ready, click on the Mac pages link and follow along as I customize a Mac SE/30!

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Apple Computer

Site design by Dakota