The Thornton's
Site Directory

Gary's Pages

Dakota Web Design

Mac pages

Think Different


3 Macs

Mac Links

Interesting Quotes

Email Gary

Betsy's Pages


Sassy the Clown

Fantasy Faces

Email Betsy

Apple PowerBooks
Built on a
PowerBook 1400c


Welcome to our site. Enjoy your stay.

This site contains pages about our hobbies and interests. Click on the links at left to navigate through the site. This page will serve as your jumping off point to Betsy and Gary's pages. After this page the navigation links will change depending on whose pages you are in. This seemed to be the best way since our interests are very different.

Betsy's main hobby is sewing. She is also a children's entertainer. You will find links to her sewing interests and her clown and face painting pages.

Gary works in woven textile design and his main hobby is working on Macintosh computers and designing web pages for Betsy's clowning and facepainting.

We are both avid internet users and spend a lot of time online researching our various hobbies.


Apple Computer

Site design by DakotaWeb Design