How to Bronze a Mac!




Getting Started

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Paint It-part 1

Paint It-part 2

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Painting your Mac!

Two last things before painting. First use a straightened paperclip and remove the six color Apple logo. There is a tiny hole in the case behind the logo. Just push the paperclip through the hole and it should pop out easily. Most of these are held in place with a double stick tape. Put the logo somewhere in a safe place. You really do not want to lose it, and I think these would be difficult to replace. Second, use scotch tape to tape over the model (ex.Macintosh SE30) of your Mac, if you want this to show when you are finished.

After making sure your mac is clean & dry, it's time to begin painting it. This is best done outside where you will have plenty of ventilation. While it is possible to use a brush to paint your mac, I would recommend using acrylic spray paints. They are available in a wide range of colors. I chose a metallic paint with a bronze color. I have also seen gold & silver metallic paints. Find an open spot to work and put down newspapers or a plastic drop cloth to protect surrounding things. Sand your Mac very lightly to remove any dirt and other residues. This will also help the paint to adhere to the slick plastic case. Wipe it clean and you are ready to paint.

First coat on the face-Apple logo removed

It is best to spray light coats of paint and paint using several layers. You should also sand lightly between coats. Read the directions on your paint can to be sure, but allow 15-30 minutes between coats. The paint should look and feel dry before applying the next coat. If you apply the paint too heavy, you will end up with runs and/or crackles.

First coat on the main case


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